The Single $500
As a Single Sponsor, your company will be recognized during our Opening Day Ceremony. You will also receive recognition on the main page of our Little League’s website and your company logo with a hyperlink to your website will be added to our Sponsor Page for the entire 2025 season.
The Double $1000
As a Double Sponsor, you will receive a 2’x 4’ banner with your company logo displayed on the premises for the 2025 season. Your company will also be recognized during our Opening Day Ceremony. Along with receiving recognition on the main page of our Little League’s website and you will receive special recognition on our sponsor page, including your company‘s logo with hyperlink to your website.
The Triple $1500
As a Triple Sponsor, you will receive a 6’ x 3’ banner with your company logo and information displayed on the front fence for the 2025 season. Your company will also be recognized during our Opening Day Ceremony. Along with receiving recognition on the main page of our Little League’s website and receive special recognition on our sponsor page, including your company‘s logo with hyperlink to your website.
The Home Run $3000
As a Home Run Sponsor, you will sponsor an Azalea Little League Team with your company name displayed on the team jerseys. You will receive a 6’ x 3’ banner with logo and information displayed on the front fence. Your company will receive special recognition during our Opening Day Ceremony. Along with receiving recognition on the main page of our Little League’s website and receive special recognition on our sponsor page, including your company‘s logo with hyperlink to your website.
The Grand Slam $5000
Your company will receive a special presentation of appreciation and recognition at our Opening Day Celebration. Your Company will be added to a special sponsor’s plaque that will hang at our Concession stand for years to come. Along with, sponsoring an Azalea Little League Team with your company name displayed on the team jerseys. You will also receive a 6’ x 3’ banner with logo and information displayed on the front fence and recognition on the main page of our Little League’s website and receive special recognition on our sponsor page, including your company‘s logo with hyperlink to your website.
Equipment/Materials (field maintenance, equipment for teams, etc.)
As an Equipment/Materials Sponsor, your compensation level will be equivalent to the above levels.
Sponsorship Information Form (Click Here)
Please click on the above link to print out the sponsorship information packet with all the details on how to start your sponsorship today!!
For more information email [email protected] or [email protected].